Cue the IET’s Moon United campaign, in which we’ve asked a team of scientists and engineers to predict the possibilities of Lunar Football, when it might become a reality, and just what we’ll need to do to make it happen thanks to engineering and technology.
Our panel has revealed we could be playing football on the Moon as early as 2035, but given the Moon has one-sixth the Earth’s gravity, a surface of dusty soil, and no breathable atmosphere, the game is going to look a little different - including needing a football nearly twice the size of that on Earth, a bigger goal and a hologram ref.

Fun, free football and space activities for children to do at home or school
We've put together a collection of fun, free downloadable activities for children to explore more about the amazing world of sport and space. Activities include creating a foldable football goal, designing an astronaut's menu, growing grass on the moon, designing a football robot referee, creating a jetpack for playing football on the moon, and many more!